The Thousand Islands in Ontario is made up of 1,864 islands, ranging in size from 50 square miles to just big enough to support a single tree. The green lands are one of the most beautiful and varied landscapes in North America.
The mystical islands are home to castles, lighthouses and secluded beaches, so it should definitely be on your travel bucket list. With accommodation ranging from as luxurious as a private island to low-cost such as a campsite, this place never fails to amaze anyone who steps on it.
It offers you Mother Nature’s biggest wonders and the wild life is just stunning. From soaring birds to families of turtles, the possibilities of seeing animals in their natural habitats are endless. Some of the most common species include eagles, ospreys, minke whales, white-tailed deer, map turtles and great blue herons.
Activities simply don’t run out here. Offering world-class diving, Thousand Islands is home to some of the best freshwater wreck diving in the world with a dozen wrecks at the bottom of the river, including the impressive Islander and the Keystorm.