The hidden treasures beneath Maldivian waters are no secret to the world. Recognized in multiple ways for the diverse marine habitats and organisms, some of which are even native to the country, guests flock this destination all year round to enjoy nature beyond its impeccable shores. However, the coral reefs of Maldivian islands are one of the most fragile part of the ecosystem. Diamonds Athuruga Maldives is a resort committed to promoting sustainable initiatives to do their part in conserving and reviving what is a vital part of island life – its house reef.
The Coral Conservation Project’s main objective is to preserve the coral reefs and to create and encourage a responsible kind of tourism. In collaboration with EcoIslanders and local environmental consultants, the resort’s resident marine biologist and team have been carrying on a coral nursery project in the house reef of Athuruga resort.
This project acts as a large scape restoration project where underwear structure have been built around the island on which thousands of coral fragments are growing on ropes mid-water, providing optimal conditions for corals like plenty of light and water flow as well as protection from reef predators and sedimentation.
The team carefully documents progress on a regular basis, as per a monitoring protocol developed by the University of Milano-Bicocca. The structures have to be cleaned from time to time to remove competitive algae. Thanks to the good nursing conditions, corals have a higher survival rate and grow faster than on the reef.
The marine biologist team on the island will gladly answer any questions guests have about the project. They can choose to snorkel around the house reef and witness this divine contribution themselves. The corals regenerated on the structure grow big and string enough in about an year’s time and then move on to being transplanted in to the Athuruga house reef permanently.