Talking to kids about this topic is not inappropriate when you’re concerned about the child’s safety. It’s important that parents and mentors teach children to identify any ‘bad’ touching and say no. Even if it’s at the age of 2.
You can’t expect a two year old to understand much. At this age, you can start by simply pointing out the main areas and saying that no one is allowed to touch them unless they are changing their diaper.
We need to teach children how to say no. Kids are constantly told that they need to listen, be respectful and to do what adults tell them, and are punished if they do not comply. Because of this, many stay quiet even if they are being assaulted sexually.
With the recent case of child rape of a two year old in Maldives, the public is starting to realize how serious the matter is. It’s high time we protect these children. Not only from strangers, but even family members.