The heart of Mövenpick Kuredhivaru lies around its core brand value and slogan “Making Moments”, which allows the luxury resort to shine across the Maldives and with its guests, as its premium services lets holiday-makers indulge in the true adventure and beauty of Maldives.
To celebrate two years of providing premium services with an exclusive Mövenpick touch, this November, Mövenpick Kuredhivaru is launching a series of exciting initiatives to show guests their heartfelt gratitude towards bringing the resort this far.
Stanislaw Pajdzinski, General Manager of Mövenpick Resort Kuredhivaru, says that for its second anniversary, the resort wishes to create heartfelt moments for guests, as an array of exciting offerings have been curated to make their stay one to remember.
On November, you can participate in an exclusive competition launched by Mövenpick Kuredhivaru, which will give two social media followers the opportunity to win a two-night stay in the resort. This surely won’t take much of your time, because with just a few simple steps, you will stand as one of the eligible candidates to win this luxurious prize.
To take part in the campaign, guests are encouraged to share their view of “creating the dream moment in the Maldives”. Fans of Mövenpick Kuredhivaru simply have to post a video or image on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtags #CreatingMomentsatMovenPick and tag @movenpickkuredhivarumaldives to qualify. The deadline for the submission is 29th November 2020.
If you are not one of the lucky winners of this exclusive competition, don’t worry, because Mövenpick Kuredhivaru has another way of cheering you up. Rediscover the Maldives, by getting 40% more out of your stay at Mövenpick Resort Kuredhivaru Maldives with Accor’s newest Lifestyle Loyalty program – Accor Live Limitless (ALL)
With ALL, you can now jazz up your daily life with more opportunities to Live, Work and Play, as you step up your game with new premium statuses giving exclusive rewards for high-value customers, with more opportunities to earn and use points.
Cover: Mövenpick Resort Kuredhivaru Maldives