A once-in-a-lifetime getaway to the Maldives with SEVEN nights on an all-inclusive basis including flights and transfers? Well, I don’t know about you but my 2021 just got brighter!
How would you like to try your luck on a rare opportunity to vacay in the Maldives? CROSSROADS Maldives is giving away an all-inclusive 7 nights, distributed to 4 nights at the musical charm of Hard Rock Hotel Maldives and the remaining in the stunning SAii Lagoon Maldives for one lucky daydreamer among you.
Rules are simple:
Follow the Giveaway announcement post on the official handles of Trending Travel, Hard Rock Hotel Maldives, SAii Lagoon Maldives and CROSSROADS Maldives
Tag your travel buddy
Follow all of @trendingtravel.co.uk @hardrockhotelmaldives @saiilagoonmaldives @crossroadsmaldives pages
The more tags, the more entries. And also, share the post on your story for bonus points! The competition will run until 23:59 on March 21, 2021. Keep an eye out on the stories on March 25 because that’s when the lucky winner will be announced.
The Maldives’ first multi-island fully integrated holiday destination of CROSSROADS Maldives is a breathtaking haven for anyone seeking asylum from worldly troubles on their holiday. The iconic Hard Rock Hotel Maldives and SAii Lagoon Maldives add their magic on this island, making it the ultimate destination one can find in the whole of the Indian Ocean.
Good Luck, everyone!