Global Recycling Day, created in 2018, is marked every year to help recognize, and celebrate, the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. It is a day for the world to come together and put the planet first.
The theme of Global Recycling Day 2020 is RecyclingHeroes, according to Global Recycling Foundation. This will recognize the people, places and activities that showcase what an important role recycling plays in contributing to an environmentally stable planet and a greener future which will benefit all.
Doing our bit and raising awareness of #GlobalRecyclingDay2020 . Making little coasters from crushed glass. #gililankanfushi pic.twitter.com/Q9JhB3sSp0
— Gili Lankanfushi (@GiliLankanfushi) March 18, 2020
The RecyclingHeroes competition encourages people from all over the world to put forward individuals, businesses and communities that are leading the way with their recycling initiatives. The Global Recycling Foundation accepted nominations since February and the 10 winners have been announced on the official website.
Gili Lankanfushi, one of the best luxury resorts in Maldives played their role by making little coasters from crushed glass. Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources. Each year the recyclables saves over 700 million tonnes in CO2 emissions and this is projected to increase to 1 billion tons by 2030.