Discover Huvadhu is officially kicking off the #DiscoverHuvadhu dive event by Dhivehi Masverin. This is an initiative targeted to discover, document, disseminate, and promote the unique environmental, cultural, social, and scenic beauty of Huvadhu atoll. It is part of the The Small Island Developing States - Community Based Adaptation Program aided by the Australian High Commission in the Sri Lanka and Maldives. UNDP Maldives conducts the program through its GEF Small Grants Program.
Huvadhu Atoll in the southern Maldives consists of 255 islands, the most islands in an Atoll that was recognized by Guiness World Records. Its favorable location with 39 channels feed into the Indian Ocean that enriches the marine life that surrounds it.
The atoll is considered the deepest in the archipelago. It is blessed with ample natural wonders with its coral reefs, seagrass beds, sandbanks and mangroves. It is bound to blow minds of explorers with the rich biodiversity where you can discover seabird nesting grounds and unique terrestrial flora and fauna.
You can walk from Madaveli to Fiyoari; natives refer to this part of the atoll as "Farebithu", Fare= Reef and Bithu = Side. This section of the reef platform includes five inhabited Islands and more than 80 uninhabited Islands.
Ample megafauna calls the atoll waters its home. This includes whales, sharks, turtles and rays. Huvadhu atoll is also knows traditionally for its skilled fisherman who in the present day have the largest and most advanced fleet of fishing vessels.
The event is sponsored by Marine Equipments Pvt Ltd, Apnea Maldives, Raajje Divers and Bank of Maldives.