As everyone- the government, the public and businesses- searches for ways to reduce expenses, why not use some tips to reduce one of the biggest costs of Ramadan, your grocery bills.
Frozen, canned or dried food instead of fresh ones can actually save you a lot of money. While having a lower price, these processed foods also have a longer duration. You’d find the fresh carrots damaged in days but the canned ones can last 3 to 5 years! And they are even cleaner. You can’t be sure that you washed the fresh ones properly, all chemicals and pesticides. Further, because of the freeze-drying technology, the food retains 95% of the nutrients, unlike fresh produce that loses nutrients every day that it sits on a shelf in the store or in a shipping container.
An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted globally each year, one third of all food produced for human consumption, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. So instead of throwing it away so easily, always see if theres a way not to. One reason for high amounts of food waste is due to affection. A study showed that preparing and over-serving large portions of food is a way of showing love and affection for friends and family. This leads to huge amount of waste.
This is a trick already used by some households. At the start of the week, they plan the meals they would prepare- perhaps not exactly, but an estimate would also be effective. After deciding what meals would be made, a list should be created, making sure you don’t miss anything. This also makes sure you don’t purchase excess groceries.