When the guest houses were opened for business for tourists, Health Protection Agency set out a set of rules that will apply for the guests travelling to these local islands and for the locals as well from July 26th onwards.
The rules include that the tourists should be vaccinated with both dozes 14 days prior to arrival to the guest houses, and if the tourist is not fully vaccinated, the local island the guest is visiting must have at least 60% of the locals vaccinated, 95% of the staff giving service to the guests must be vaccinated and 90% of the local citizens aged 65years and older must be vaccinated.
However, it has come to the governments attention that these rules are not met with the tourists and the locals of these guest houses and islands. Hence, starting from August 18th onwards there will be inspections carried out by Maldives Immigration, Maldives Police Services, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Economic Development, Local Government Authority and Health Protection Agency.
For more information please call 7264574, Saturday to Thursday from 9am to 6pm. For complaints please send them to inspection.heoc@health.gov.mv