Hotel Designs, the leading international hotel design website that is read by more than 67,000 designers, architects, hoteliers and industry suppliers monthly, launches its official podcast for designers & architects. ‘Design Pod’, will be presented by Editor Hamish Kilburn and interior designer Harriet Forde.
“I am looking forward to discussing some interesting topics with great guests,” says Forde. In each episode, Kilburn and Forde will welcome influential designers, architects and experts to share their opinions on the conversations and challenges that are shaping our industry. Together, they will embrace innovation while balancing the important issues we all face as modern designers and architects, but are often too busy with life to explore fully.
Hotel Designs’: Whether you are working for a brand, independently or are about to embark in a new journey, choosing your lane – your style, if you like – is an integral and pivotal moment of any design/architecture process. With the COVID–19 crisis adding further uncertainty to all industries around the globe – and arguably hitting the hospitality, building and construction industry the hardest – balancing consistency with creativity is key. To explore this topic in depth, from a creative and business perspective, DESIGN POD welcomes the former Creative Director of HBA London, Constantina Tsoutsikou, onto the show, who has recently launched her own venture: Studio LOST.