After resisting to declare the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic, the World Health Organization has asked for global unity to “change the course of this pandemic.” For weeks, the agency feared that doing so would incite panic across the globe.
The disease comes from Wuhan in China, during December 2019. A few months earlier, scientists discovered the safest countries to live in if a sudden global pandemic such as the Covid-19 occurs.
They looked at 20 island states with no land borders and with populations above 250,000. They used nine "resilience‐relevant domains" to assess its suitability as a refuge and found at that Australia was on the top of the list due to its "vast oversupply of energy and food".
Australia is followed by New Zealand, Iceland, Malta and Japan as the top 5 safest countries. Maldives makes it to the 14th place of the list, above neighbouring Sri Lanka and below Fiji.