The Maldives will be opening its borders on 15th July, welcoming tourists from around the world back to the island nation. Along with industry stakeholders, the Ministry of Tourism developed a Guideline for Restarting Tourism in Maldives, outlining the standards which have to be met by all stakeholders in order to reopen the border and welcome back visitors into the country.
According to the Guidelines, Ministry of Tourism may allow guest houses and hotels on inhabited islands to accommodate tourists for overnight stay under special arrangements, until tourist facilities in inhabited islands are officially allowed to resume operations. Tourists will be transferred to these guest houses or hotels in vehicles adhering to safety guidelines as defined by HPA.
Tourists are to follow procedures on movement restrictions applicable to the island at the time. Food and beverage will be made available within the premises of the guest houses or hotels during this period. Staff will maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter with guests at all times and will wear masks at all times while serving guests. This will be in effect until the general reopening of guesthouses and hotels in inhabited islands.
In the Greater Male` Region, there are over a 100 guesthouses registered. Regarding the annual tourist arrival estimates, President Ibu Solih stated the government expects to see 850,000 tourist arrivals this year, including the 382,762 tourist arrivals recorded prior to the closure of the borders on March 27.