In order to find effective ways of maintaining fragile areas of Northern Maalhosmadu, Environment Ministry of Maldives and related authorities, after meeting with islanders, plans to have discussions.
On 29th January, one of the meetings were held in Shaviyani Funadhooo. The purpose of it was to come up with a management plan for Bolissafaru, Farukolhu and Naalaahuraa in Shaviyani atoll, which are protected areas in Maalhosmadulu.
Speaking at the meeting, Environment Minister stated that human activities are damaging the environment and Maldives’ islands are sinking at an alarming rate. It is vital that research needs to be done on this and a solutions needs to be figured out.
Each atoll having at least one protected reef, mangrove and an island was an important vow made by the government of Maldives.