Revolutionizing Well-being : Coco Collection's Mental Health Initiative

Revolutionizing Well-being : Coco Collection's Mental Health Initiative

Thursday 20th of June 2024

Coco Collection has taken a significant step towards promoting mental health and well-being among its associates with the launch of their new initiative, "Nurturing Minds." This program, which began with its first sessions on June 7 and 8, aims to revolutionize mental health awareness within the hospitality industry. The initiative underscores the importance of easy access to emotional well-being resources for resort staff, an often-overlooked aspect of employee care.

The Launch of 'Nurturing Minds'

The inaugural sessions of "Nurturing Minds" were held at Coco Collection's two flagship resorts, Coco Bodu Hithi and Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu. These sessions focused on the prevalent issues of low self-esteem and the importance of self-love, essential components for maintaining mental health.

At Coco Bodu Hithi, Dr. Shanooha Mansoor, a Senior Consultant Specialist in Psychiatry, and her colleague Ali Mikhail Mahmood Razee, a psychologist, led the session. Dr. Shanooha emphasized the importance of loving one's mind as much as one's body. She highlighted how positive mental health practices can significantly enhance stress management and overall well-being.

Simultaneously, Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu hosted Dr. Abdulla Nazim and Dr. Hussain Shamah, who shared their expertise on similar topics. These professionals discussed strategies for boosting self-esteem and cultivating self-love, providing practical advice and emotional support to the resort associates.

A Year-Round Commitment

The "Nurturing Minds" initiative is not a one-off event but a continuous effort throughout the year. Coco Collection plans to invite a diverse range of experts to address various mental health-related topics. This ongoing program aims to educate and raise awareness about mental health issues, fostering a psychologically safe work environment for all employees.

By providing regular sessions on mental health, Coco Collection hopes to inspire positive change within the hospitality industry. The initiative aims to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and promote the overall well-being of their associates.

A Positive Impact on the Hospitality Industry

Coco Collection's commitment to mental health is expected to have a far-reaching impact. By prioritizing the emotional well-being of their staff, the company aims to set a new standard in the hospitality industry. This proactive approach not only benefits the employees but also enhances the overall guest experience. Happy, well-balanced staff are more likely to provide exceptional service, creating a positive and welcoming environment for guests.

Creating a Safe Work Environment

The "Nurturing Minds" initiative also aims to create a psychologically safe work environment for individuals at the resorts. By addressing mental health issues head-on and providing support through professional guidance, Coco Collection is helping its associates discover new elements of overall well-being. This supportive environment encourages employees to seek help when needed and promotes a culture of openness and understanding.

Looking Ahead

Coco Collection's partnership with mental health experts is set to inspire significant change within the hospitality industry. By promoting and raising awareness about the importance of mental and overall well-being, the company hopes to reduce misconceptions about mental health issues. This initiative is a testament to Coco Collection's dedication to the holistic care of their associates, ensuring they are supported both physically and mentally.

For more information about the "Nurturing Minds" initiative and upcoming wellness sessions, visit Coco Collection's website or contact their reservations team. This groundbreaking program marks a new era in the hospitality industry, where mental health is given the attention it deserves, benefiting both employees and guests alike.

By championing mental health through "Nurturing Minds," Coco Collection is leading the way in creating a healthier, more supportive work environment in the hospitality industry. This initiative promises to enhance the well-being of associates, fostering a happier and more productive workforce, and setting a new standard for others to follow.