Discover a very private setting on these intimate, one-in-a-million-experience providing resort that, with its twin islands, Play and Chill, offers up the luxury of choice. So, you might kind of wonder what kind of luxurious choices are you entitled to?
Drumroll please, because you are about to know about something ultimate that is coming up at Nature’s Playground, Niyama Resorts, the only luxury surf resort in the Maldives with its own wave breaking right onto the shore at Vodi Point.
From October 12th to 18th, it’s the Niyama Surf Week! And what’s special about this, surf-lovers? Matt Biolos, Kolohe Andino and Coco Ho, all professional hotshots in surfing are going to be there!
The biggest highlight of this Surf’s week is that you get to work with Matt to get your custom designed and shaped …Lost surfboards, which will be right at your doorstep when you get home. What can you do in this special week? Surf with the pros, enjoy a private cocktail event, a private South African Braai night dinner, a private surf boat, and a surf photography package
To get your spot, your booking speed needs to be the same as your surfing speed. Race against time to race against the waves as spots are only limited to 12 surfers and is up on a first-come first-serve basis.
Hang out with these pros, get to know the best surfing tips and finally get a complimentary …Lost surfboard, made, signed and delivered right to your door! This must definitely be the best Surf Week you would have ever imagined!