One of the most inspiring and appreciated movement, Soneva Namoona is adopting a totally innovative approach to waste management that focuses on island-level solutions in collaboration with the island councils and local communities.
Local islands have major difficulties in properly disposing of their waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Waste is rarely correctly sorted into distinct categories, which is required for recycling, waste management centers sometimes lack equipment, and properly handling waste can be costly.
Four more islands in the Baa Atoll have joined forces with Soneva Namoona to develop a sustainable waste management system that may be replicated across the Maldives.
Dhonfanu, Kamadhoo, Kudarikilu, and Kendhoo have teamed together with the three original Namoona islands in Baa Atoll; Maalhos, Dharavandhoo, and Kihaadhoo, to commission a recyclable garbage collecting boat that would collect recyclable waste on a regular basis.
For the first time in the Maldives, the boat collected segregated, compacted and baled recyclable waste from all seven islands on December 6th this year, collecting over 50 tones!
The recyclable waste from seven islands consists of aluminum, other metals, cardboard, beverage packs and plastics, all of which will be sent abroad for recycling.
Expressing his enthusiasm on the collection boat now visiting all seven Namoona islands in Baa Atoll, the Kendhoo Island Council President, Ibrahim Rahman stressed on the importance of a good waste management system which compliments local lifestyles of small developing communities.
He highlighted the huge success of Soneva Namoona Program that has demonstrated an effective alternative approach to one of the country’s biggest concerns.
Sharing her appreciation in the support that was given by the local communities to Soneva Namoona, the President of Soneva Namoona NGO, Azhoora Ahmed expressed the hope the NGO acquires for other islands to adapt to this game changing step.