70 years ago on this day, the first telephone and electricity service was introduced in Maldives. This is a remarkable day in our history.
Today is an important day in the history of Maldives. 70 years ago today electricity service was first provided to locals and on this same day the first telephone was introduced in the Maldives.
— Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology (@MoCSTmv) December 20, 2019
today="" an="" important="" day="" in="" the="" history="" maldives.="" 70="" years="" ago="" today="" electricity="" service="" was="" first="" provided="" locals="" and="" on="" this="" same="" telephone="" introduced="" maldives.<="" p>—="" ministry="" communication,="" science="" technology="" (@mocstmv)="" december="" 20,="" 2019<="" a><="" blockquote>=""
Throwback to 7 decades- when our ancestors communicated through letters no matter how many waters needed to cross, when people studied and worked in the dark and in the heat. STELCO was established in 1949 with an installed capacity of only 14 kW and providing electricity to just the residences in Male’.
Dhiraagu was the first telecommunication service provider in Maldives and remained a monopoly until Wataniya (former Ooredoo) entered the market in 2005. In 1999, Dhiraagu successfully completed providing fixed line access to all 200 inhabited islands in the country and DhiMobile GSM service was introduced.