Care Society, a non-government organization registered in Maldives since 1998, addressing and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, children & women to build a community free of inequality. Care Society has donated masks to STELCO frontline staff.
‘STELCO has been supporting Care Society for the past 3 years, we are fortunate to have been able to donate 80 medical grade face shields made by our staff to the staffs working in the front line. We believe that #TogetherWeCan flatten the curve.’ STELCO had also expressed gratitude for this humble deed and stated that they will continue supporting Care Society’s initiatives.
It is important that all frontline staff have the required resources for protection such as masks and sanitizers to make sure their own lives and others’ are not at risk. Although the country is in lockdown, there are many people out there from different sectors, servicing their nation during these hard times.
Care Society has also been helping the community cope with anxiety during these times. They advise people at home to do regular exercises, breathing exercises and listen to soothing tracks/sounds.