Minister of Tourism in Maldives, Dr. Abdulla Mausoom represents the island nation at the World Tourism Industry Conference (WTIC) 2022, which took place in Ulsan City, South Korea, on June 24 and 25, 2022. The World Tourism Industry Conference was hosted by UNWTO, International Tourism Forum (ITF), and Ulsan Metropolitan City in conjunction with the 37th Seoul International Tourism Industry Fair (SITIF) 2022. Korea World Travel Fair and the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) organized it (KOTFA).
Leading members of the tourism industry and ministers and deputy ministers from various nations were present at the conference to witness the signing ceremony of an MOU by the heads of each delegation pledging their commitment to eco-tourism.
On June 25, Dr. Adbulla Mausoom gave a speech at this conference. In his speech, he emphasized the significance of both safety and protection in the tourism industry as well as the recovery steps the Maldives tourism industry took to deal with the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Minister also expressed gratitude to Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, President of the Maldives, for being instrumental in reviving the country's tourism sector.
In order to identify the main areas of concern and develop proactive measures to address them, the President oversaw discussions and consultations with various departments, including professionals in the tourism industry, including investors, the health sector, and other related sectors. Such initiative and participation were crucial in reviving the tourism sector after the pandemic.
During his speech, the minister also emphasized the value of locally focused ecotourism. This is consistent with the efforts made by the Tourism Ministry to advance community-based tourism during the UNWTO Global Summit 2022. From June 15 to 16, the Summit took place in the Maldives, and its thematic session focused on discussing community-based tourism. Going forward, the Maldives' tourism sector hopes to take the lead in eco-tourism initiatives.
During the World Tourism Industry Conference's Opening Ceremony, in addition to the Minister, other dignitaries spoke, including Harry Hwang, the UNWTO's Deputy Director for the Asia Pacific Region, Song Cheol-ho, the mayor of Ulsan City, and Yoo Jin Young, the chairman of the International Tourism Forum (ITF).