Crows are one of most common terrestrial resident bird throughout the Maldives’ Islands. Their foods being fish waste, worms, and harmful insects such as tent caterpillars and white grubs, crows play an important part in cleaning up dead birds and animals, and even our improperly disposed organic garbage. However, we often find crows annoying and tend to overlook their intelligent actions.
This one crow was being watched by scientists in Oxford University. She casually picked up a piece of wire in her cage and then used a nearby object to bend it at one end, transforming the wire into a hooked tool. That tool allowed her to hoist up a small container of meat from inside a plastic tube. Lunch was served. This shows that crows have the cognitive ability to solve complex problems.
Although humans rely excessively on intelligence to get by, it doesn’t mean we’re the best at every mental task. Where a crow uses mental abilities and tools to access hard-to-reach food, a giraffe simply stretches its long neck. This being the case, crows could be the smartest animal other than primates.