Ministry of Health, through the official twitter of Maldivian Blood Services, announces a lack of blood donations amidst the coronavirus pandemic and calls out for urgent blood donations. ‘Our blood stock is running low, especially O positive and B positive. We are open from Sunday to Thursday from 8am to 3pm for blood donation. Please drop in to donate blood and save a life.’
Our blood stock is running low, specially O positive and B positive. We are open from Sunday to Thursday from 8am to 3pm for blood donation. Please drop in to donate blood and save a life.@MoHmv @ameenex @aneelmufeed @HPA_MV
— Maldivian Blood Services (@MBS_mv) April 12, 2020
our="" blood="" stock="" running="" low,="" specially="" o="" positive="" and="" b="" positive.="" we="" are="" open="" from="" sunday="" thursday="" 8am="" 3pm="" for="" donation.="" drop="" in="" donate="" save="" a="" life.@mohmv<="" a>="" @ameenex<="" >@aneelmufeed<="" >@hpa_mv<="" a><="" p>—="" maldivian="" services="" (@mbs_mv)="" >april="" 12,="" 2020<="" blockquote>=""
Maldivian Blood Services (MBS) was formed on 1st November 2012. “National Thalassaemia Centre (NTC)” and “National Blood Transfusion Services (NBTS)” were merged to form Maldivian Blood Services with the hope and aim to provide better service to patients suffering from hematological disorders like Thalassaemia and other hemoglobinopathies and also to provide safe blood to those who are in need.
Countries around the world suffer from a decline in blood donation. Speaking to Dhaka Tribune on Thursday, Dr Moniruzzaman, coordinator of voluntary blood donation program at Quantum Foundation, said they received about 8,000 bags of blood in January, but the number fell to 7,000 in March. Further, the National Health Service also announced a drop in blood donations.