The 21st of March is the 81st day of the year, the 12th Saturday of 2020 and the 2nd day of spring. But today’s date is much more than that as the world marks it for different reasons. Here’s 12 ways 21st March is celebrated around the world:
World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. Down Syndrome International created a dedicated website as a single meeting place where the global community can share their experiences and advertise their activities (see WDSD World Events) and participate in DSi’s WDSD initiatives.
Initially marked by United Nations in 2012, the organizers of the day are the United Nations Forum on Forests and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with Governments, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and other relevant organizations in the field. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns.
In the early 1980s, perfume manufacturers launched National Fragrance Day to celebrate all the ways scents can improve our lives. The day was planned to be a splashy, news-making event, with a full week of special in-store happenings and promotions in shops up and down Madison Avenue. However, due to the coronavirus outbreak, things didn’t turn out the way it was planned.
Held every year on 21 March since 1999, World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity. Practiced throughout history – in every culture and on every continent – poetry speaks to our common humanity and our shared values, transforming the simplest of poems into a powerful catalyst for dialogue and peace.
National Single Parents Day honors the mothers and fathers holding down the fort with all the hard work, devotion, and sacrifices involved in single parenting. In 1984, Janice Moglen wroten an article with the hope that Single Parent Day may one day gain the recognition many connect with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. She collaborated with the organization, Parents without Partners, and began to petition to have states declare recognition of Single Parent Day.
At the 22nd annual show of the National Quilting Association in Lincoln, Nebraska in June of 1991, a resolution was passed and National Quilting Day was started. A quilt is a layer of batting or stuffing between two layers of pieced together fabric. Early American quilts were the result of patched together pieces of worn-out blankets and clothing.
The corn dog is the perfect blending of foods, delicious cornbread wrapped around a hot dog and dropped into a deep fryer. Corn Dogs ultimately find their heritage in the sausage makers of Germany and by extension those who immigrated to Texas. The first record of the corn dog we have is in 1927, when a patent was submitted to the US Patent Office describing the process.
Healthy Fats Day was established to help spread awareness of the importance of fat in our diet, and to help give a platform for information about the facts and myths surrounding it. If you were raised believing that fats are universally harmful for you, it’s time to reevaluate your lifestyle, your diet, and your knowledge. Healthy Fats Day gives you that opportunity.
A special day for harry potter fans. House of both Severus Snape and the Dark Lord himself, he should not be named, it’s not surprising it has something of a dubious reputation. Slytherin Pride Day is your opportunity to celebrate the fact that you understand the difference between idiotic valor and judicious prudence.
Other reasons include Memory Day, French Bread Day and Common Courtesy Day.