A Baby Humpback Whale Charms Guests at Komandoo Island Resort

A Baby Humpback Whale Charms Guests at Komandoo Island Resort

Saturday 15th of June 2024

In the serene waters around the Maldives’ Komandoo Island Resort & Spa, an extraordinary event recently captivated guests and locals. A baby humpback whale, measuring between 8 to 10 meters, made a stunning appearance near the island’s reefs, thrilling everyone who witnessed this rare sight.

The unforgettable encounter began on April 10th at 9:00 am, when the young whale was first spotted near Komandoo Water Villas. Anna, a dive instructor from Prodivers on Komandoo, was one of the first to see the whale. "I saw the big baby humpback whale sleeping at a depth of 7-8 meters and took some video footage as proof before heading back to shore as quickly as I could to alert others about this incredible sight," Anna recounted, sharing the excitement of the initial discovery.

The news of the whale’s presence spread quickly across the island, drawing guests from the pool deck and neighboring properties such as Kuredu, Hurawalhi, and Kudadoo. "It was a very joyful event for everyone. People were star-struck and some, myself included, even cried," Anna said, highlighting the emotional impact of this rare marine encounter. Tina, Kuredu Prodivers Dive Centre Manager, described her unexpected encounter with the whale during a dive, "When I ascended from my dive in Aquarium, the Captain screamed at me that there is a humpback whale on Komandoo house reef – I couldn’t believe it!"

Efforts were immediately made to ensure the whale’s well-being. Komandoo’s General Manager at the time, Navaz, organized logistics to provide a speedboat for monitoring the whale’s movements, ensuring that guests and staff could observe from a respectful distance. "Everyone behaved very respectfully. In the water, it was not just guests; even the captain from Aisha Boat, Captain Ahmed, jumped in and snorkeled with the whale too," Anna added, noting the community’s respectful approach to the rare visitor.

The whale continued to fascinate throughout the following days, with sightings near Komandoo’s front jetty and later near Hinnavaru’s and Kudadoo’s house reefs. Marlene, from the Prodivers Office Team, shared her unforgettable experience, "When I think about my time with the whale, I still get goosebumps. Seeing the humpback was pure joy."

Marine biologists were consulted to assess the whale’s condition and behavior. They confirmed that the whale appeared healthy and uninjured. "The information we got was that baby whales can get lost from time to time, and if they do, they seek shelter in shallower areas and wait for their family to pick them up again," Anna explained, offering insights into the whale’s behavior and reassuring everyone of its well-being.

For those who cherish wildlife encounters and the wonders of the ocean, Komandoo’s recent visitor has left an indelible mark. As the young humpback continues its journey, the memory of this special encounter remains a testament to the extraordinary experiences awaiting in the pristine waters of the Maldives. Whether from the shores of Komandoo or neighboring islands, guests and locals were united in marveling at nature’s beauty, reminding us all of the importance of preserving and cherishing our marine ecosystems.

Travelers seeking unforgettable experiences amidst breathtaking natural beauty will find Komandoo and its surrounding islands offer glimpses into the wonders of the ocean that are truly beyond compare.