A Sky Treat- 2 Supermoons & a Blue Moon

A Sky Treat- 2 Supermoons & a Blue Moon

Saturday 4th of January 2020

A Sky Treat- 2 Supermoons & a Blue Moon

This year, sky lovers will be blessed with 13 full moons, 2 supermoons and a blue moon. 2020 finds it hard to compete as 2019 started off with 3 supermoons and ended with a rare solar eclipse.

Before the January full moon will be the first meteor shower of 2020, which peaks 3rd to 4th January. Look up into the sky's inky blackness in the pre-dawn hours of Saturday morning to watch bright fireball meteors with long, glowing tails.

Worm moon, the first supermoon can be spotted in March and the second pink moon in April. Supermoons make the moon appear a little brighter and closer than normal, although the difference is hard to spot with the naked eye.

But what’s really shining this year is the blue moon in Halloween. This is extremely rare so make use of this chance as the next blue moon to fall on Halloween will be in 2039.