Around the world, the first question that travelers ask before deciding to visit a destination is about how safe it is. Travelling in the new normal has increased the demand for new and stringiest health and hygiene measures to be taken at all touch points, specially forcing hotels and resorts to exceed their cleanliness standards. Let us make things easier for you.
Hotel Resilient is an industry-leading inspection body on a travel establishment’s safety protocols, awarding them with certifications if they meet the expectations. Hidden away in its own secluded corner of the Maldives, Lily Beach Resort has earned COVID-Ready Gold certification by Hotel Resilient, which is further verified by the Maldives’ own auditing company, NSURE.
This achievement signifies the fact that the safety protocols deployed in Lily Beach is in line with international guidelines, follows Maldives’ Health Protection Agency guidelines, and is using best-in-the-industry practices enhanced with the latest scientific researches related to the pandemic. With recognition from Hotel Resilient, guests can be assured that enhanced cleaning, risk controls, physical distancing, and response plans in Lily Beach to facilitate your vacation in the new normal are up to globally recognized standards.
Since the pandemic hit, Lily Beach has been at the forefront of building new strategies and policies, and updating the SOPs to a more covid-specific operation in order to quickly bring necessary changes to the safety and hygiene regulations at the premises. With the formation of a Covid Task Force, several new practices such as hand washing sinks in different public areas of the resort, placement of hand sanitizers across main strategic locations, and upgrading cleaning materials and schedule to match to the right formula were implemented. Moreover, signages were placed in public areas reminding both guests and staff to adapt proper new normal behaviour while interacting with each other in order to do their part in stopping the spread.
Operating off its own private island, Lily Beach limits the movements of outsiders in the resort, hence further providing exclusivity and privacy to guests. Their most recent protocol-related accolade is a culmination of the serious measures the team takes in making their pristine island the safest getaway haven for travelers amid the pandemic.
“All the hard work and effort by staff, as well as our strict following of government rules and regulations, really shines through this COVID-19 Gold Certification. Guests can see first-hand how well we are handling the pandemic and observing global and national guidelines. This is a great success for the resort.” commented the Resident Manager of Lily Beach Resort & Spa, Mr. Lorenzo.
Going the extra mile in proving their commitment to the safety of both guests and staff, the resort has reportedly vaccinated 92% of their team with at least one jab, and the number is projected to rise later this month. As part of Lily Beach’s #strongertogether campaign, in close association with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourism, and Mahibadhoo Hospital, the resort established a vaccination center on the island open for walk-in to all members of the team. Once the vaccination campaign is complete, more than 95% of staff will have finished their first and second dose, and thus be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Expressing her gratitude on this initiative, the resort’s inhouse doctor said, “I am very proud of the Lily Vaccination Team, which has done a phenomenal job coordinating, scheduling, and administering not just one, but two, immunizations. Their efforts have led to a very high coverage rate at Lily. When approached by local authorities to expand our services because of the precision and quality in which we are able to operate, we even took on the extra responsibility to vaccinate other resorts as well.”
For all of you anxious travelers, look no further, the best all-inclusive resort in the Maldives has proven yet again that your safe vacation is the number one priority in the destination. Offering unlimited fun under the golden sun, the resort’s diverse activity range, comfy slumber villas paired with mouth-watering gastronomical offerings is bound to make Lily Beach your new favorite holiday destination.