According to Finance Ministry, the total spending towards COVID-19 related efforts stood at MVR 665.4 million as of April 30th. Spending committed by the Ministry of Health and National Disaster Management Authority contributed to 91.2 percent of all spending. Majority of spending on COVID-19 related efforts has been towards the procurement of medical consumables (PPE) and equipment, and the provision of financial assistance to purchase staple food to reinforce food security
The Ministry’s latest Weekly COVID-19 Spending Report, a weekly publication pertaining to the committed spendings on COVID-19 efforts, MVR353.9 million was spent on Supplies and Requisites for Service Provision. While 110.6 million was spent on Grants, Contributions and Subsidies, Capital Equipment cost 94.2 million and land and building cost 45.3 million.
Ministry of Health takes up the 2nd highest percentage of the total spending, at 135.7 million. The cost includes capital equipment, operational services, repairs and maintenance, supplies and requisites, supplies and requisites for service provision and travel expenses.
National Disaster Management Authority spent a total 387.3 million on capital equipment, grants, contributions and subsidies, land and buildings, operational services, repairs and maintenance, supplies and requisites, supplies and requisites for service provision and travel expenses.