Dive Desk is pleased to announce that Mr Adam Ashraf, the Managing Director and Dive Instructor at Dive Desk, has just completed the PADI Course Director Program which was held in Thailand in July. The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) is the most well-known dive training organization in the world and certifies the most recreational divers globally.
The highest and most prestigious professional rating in recreational scuba diving according to the PADI system is Course Director, which entitles the holder to teach Instructor Development Courses (IDCs) and other instructor-level training. The most influential leaders and role models in the scuba diving industry are Course Directors.
Only twice a year, the Course Director Training Course is offered, and experienced PADI Instructors from around the world must compete in order to be accepted. The application process looks at experience and training objectives and candidates must have previous experience guiding Instructor Candidates, under the guidance of knowledgeable Course Directors.
Mr Ashraf has been working with Mr Mark Soworka of Dive Careers Worldwide, the most seasoned and renowned Course Director in the world, to run PADI Instructor Development Courses in the Maldives for the past five years as the team leader of Dive Desk's Instructor Development team, which is made up of qualified Maldivians.
This group is among the most skilled dive instructors in the nation, having completed fifteen Instructor Development Courses. The many scheduled programs held at various Maldivian islands throughout the year are available to instructor candidates.
As of 2019, Mr Ashraf has been accepted into the Course Director Training program after meeting the requirements. However, PADI had stopped offering CDTCs because of the pandemic's quarantine and travel restrictions. However, Mr Ashraf was able to travel and attend the first program held in the Asia region since the programs resumed recently.
The first IDC for Mr Adam Ashraf as a Course Director will be held at Fuvamulah from July 21 through August 5, 2022. It will be a good opportunity for Instructor Candidates in the region to participate in a course closer to/at home because this program is the first of its kind in the South of the Maldives. For the IDC candidates chosen from the government's fully-funded scheme, his second IDC is slated to take place in Male'. Additional Instructor Development Courses are regularly scheduled to take place at various sites.
Mr Adam Ashraf, who is only 37 years old, has been a scuba diver for more than 23 years. After working in resorts and liveaboards, Mr Ashraf founded Dive Desk with his wife Ms Nadha to aid and educate the neighborhood scuba community. For the past 8 years, Dive Desk has been a PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Center in the city of Malé. He is eager to expand Dive Desk and keep creating opportunities for professional divers to advance in their diving careers. The goal is to establish the Maldives as the premier location for advanced scuba training.