The Maldives, a country in a strong battle with the COVID19, consists of a significant percentage of expatriate workers in their labor force, especially Bangladeshi nationals. A large majority of these workers come for better working and living conditions and to earn for their families back at the home country. However, in front of us is a disgraceful sight, as many locals discriminate these workers who have contributed much to the economy.
Over the last 48 hours, Health Protection Agency has revealed several positive cases of Bangladeshi nationals as well as Indian expats. During a press conference held to provide information about COVID-19, a journalist made an offensive remark about expat workers in the country, which brought the topic of discrimination in the country into many people’s minds. After all, do they deserve this?
Blaming those who have got infected would be utterly incorrect. As some workers could not even understand the languages health and precaution actions were being communicated, they were remained unaware of many things. And during this situation when expat workers and their families need support the most, Maldivians need to be there for their allies.
Expatriate workers need safe working conditions and hygienic accommodation. They require access to good food and transportation. Just like everyone else, good health care and education should be available to them as well.