A Golf Course, once a seemingly impossible reality is now made possible with Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa’s brand-new state of the art Golf Simulator, the key attraction unveiled in their innovative new Golf Centre.
The Golf Simulator makes for a fun and captivating experience for both amateurs and professionals alike. The state of the art Golf Simulator makes use of technology using sensors to capture every detail of the ball being hit to provide guests with an experience designed to mimic a real physical game of golf as much as possible. Guests are provided with a full range of golf clubs, or they can bring their own set, or buy a set at the resort. For the avid golfers who are missing their usual round, or the beginners who want to try something new, can now enjoy the experience while during their relaxing vacation in the sunny tropics of the Maldives.
In addition to the Golf SImulator, a putting green situated right next to the Hideaway Golf Centre, is being showered with tender love and care to have it golf ready by the festive season later this year. In the putting green, guests will be able to practice and perfect their putting techniques in a relaxing game of 5-hole putting golf amongst other multitudes of games and training on the green facilitated by Mr. Daniel Joubert , the in house Golf coach.
With years of experience in professional golfing, Mr. Daniel Joubert provides professional coaching session for guests right on the green. As a holder of a PGA Diploma in Golf as well as years of in-depth knowledge of the esteemed sport, guarantees to improve your golfing skills and maybe take a couple strokes of your game. “I look forward to bring your game to the next level. See you at Hideaway”, says the golf coach. The Golf Simulator also has special cameras to capture the player’s golf swing and replay that to further aid Daniel to improve their golf technique and iron out those bad habits accrued over one’s golfing life.
So, what are you waiting for? Book the next flight to the Maldives and pop by Hideaway to have a unique golf retreat to spice up your life. Whether it be for a beginner or a seasoned golfer, there is something for everyone at the Hideaway Golf Centre at Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa.