For the first time in the Maldives, home stays have been officially introduced as a product for tourists to choose from while in the destination. Making its way to this historical day, the first home stay guests were warmly welcomed to the island of Dhiggaru in Meemu Atoll.
Two couples from the United States and Sudan were bestowed with local treats and smiling welcomes as the winners of the homestay holiday by the Ministry of tourism. From the beats of the boduberu drums to the long line of islanders awaiting their arrival, guests received a true local hello to the island.
The whole island is set on making their service exemplary to all the other islands that will follow. Though the concept of home stay tourism, where guests stay at local households is new in the country, strict regulations and rules are in place in the Ministry to ensure that the operation indeed becomes a viable product in the industry. Impressed by the welcome itself, Minister Dr. Abdulla Mausoom shared confidence that both guests and islanders can enjoy mutual benefits from the concept.
Operation license to the owner of ‘Moorithi’ house, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed, was presented by Minister Mausoom.
Cover: Sun Online, Photo of Guests: Mihaaru