The island nation of Maldives features amazing tropical wildlife and the best place to experience this is on your luxury vacation to the Ayada Maldives. With a wide range of restaurants, large villas with private infinity pools and a multiple award winning spa, Ayada Maldives offers a truly luxurious retreat with a genuine Maldivian style.
Discover some of the most interesting species you will encounter during your stay at Ayada Maldives.
You will spot these anywhere in the shallow waters around Ayada Maldives, or every day 18:00 at the resort’s daily fish experience. Black tip reef shark and white tip reef shark are commonly found in lagoon and at the reef. Hammerheads and nurse shark are also found in the waters of Maldives. None of these are actually aggressive if you do not touch them.
You can encounter these friendly creatures while snorkeling or diving in the shallow waters surrounding Ayada Maldives. Five of the seven species of sea turtles can be found in the Maldives, with the two most common being the Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), often sighted living on the reef.
You might meet a grey heron walking around the islands or standing motionless in shallow water hunting for small fishes. Their favorite location is the rocky beach near Ocean Breeze, the fine dining restaurant at Ayada Maldives. Along with cranes and seagulls, they are the most commonly seen sea birds in Maldives. There are more than 12 species of herons, the most common being the grey heron (Ardea Cinerea Rectirostris) or Maakana in Dhivehi.
Stingrays and eagle rays can be often spot near the arrival jetty and close to Ile de Joie - the wine and cheese specialty bar. Eagle rays and other species are also commonly seen at the resort, but these creatures are best to be observed from a reasonable distance.
Fruit bats can be spotted all around the Maguhdhuvaa island hanging from the trees around the jungle areas. Fruit bats mostly eat fruit juice and flower nectar. They chew the fruit, then spit out the seeds, peel, and pulp.
These lizards can be found sunbathing on in the middle of the pathways, hiding in the lush vegetation, or climbing on trees all around the island. These animals are also called “Changeable Lizard”, due to its wide variation in coloration and ability to change colors significantly during the breeding season.
A common guest in the evening or early morning around the pathways and garden areas, hermit crabs can found in the white sands almost anywhere around the island. A large variety of crabs can be seen on the beautiful beaches of Ayada Maldives and even in the inner island areas.