Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa at Dhonakulhi offers luxurious boutique accommodations in the Haa Alif Atoll in Northern Maldives. Offering hotel guests superior services and a broad range of amenities, Hideaway Beach Resort and Spa is committed to ensuring that your stay is as comfortable as possible.
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa is now a COVID-Ready Gold accredited resort, a certification awarded by Hotel Resilient and validated by NSURE, the Maldives' own auditing company. Hideaway's Gold Certification confirms that it is adhering to international and local norms, industry best practices, and the most recent scientific information on the pandemic.
Hideaway has to fulfill every global and local criteria monitored by Hotel Resilient, including increased cleanliness, risk controls, physical distance, and reaction plans, in order to obtain this top-tier accreditation. Several new tactics and policies were implemented, including the development of coronavirus-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), the organization of a COVID-19 Taskforce, and the employment of additional COVID-19-specific employees.
in the meantime, Hideaway didn’t forget taking care of their internal matters, vaccinating workers against COVID-19. Hideaway Beach developed a vaccination center and was able to provide the vaccine to all staff members who requested it through their #strongertogether campaign and close collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourism, Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital, and Dhidhdhoo Atoll Hospital. At this moment, the resort is pleased to inform that 94 percent of its employees have gotten two doses of COVID-19 vaccine and are therefore fully protected.
This “one-island, one-resort” approach has kept the hotel industry afloat in these difficult times while also strengthening the Maldives' public health response. The Gold Certification from Hotel Resilient is the result of all of these efforts, highlighting the fact that Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa is doing all possible to remain a safe tropical destination for travelers throughout the epidemic.