As the COVID19 pandemic takes a toll over the economy, many have lost their jobs or have been adversely affected by this. Over 11,000 unpaid leaves were reported in just the resort industry. To address this severe issue, Ministry of Economic Development has announced to report effects of employment due to COVID19 on the Job Center.
Job Center is an initiative by the Ministry of Economic Development. The objective is to provide a modern user friendly online platform for both Employers and Job-seekers to post and apply for job opportunities across the country. This intelligent system will enable registered job seekers to be notified through SMS and e-mail, whenever a new job offering appropriate to their skills and experience is posted by Employers across the country.
ކޮވިޑް-19 އާއި ގުޅިގެން ވަޒީފާގެ ހާލަތަށް ބަދަލު އައިސްފައިވާ ފަރާތްތަކުން ޖޮބް ސެންޓަރ (https://t.co/tcntWJ5Hjx) ގައި ރިޕޯޓް ކުރުމަށް އެހީތެރިކަން ބޭނުންފުޅުވާނަމަ ޖޮބް ސެންޓަރުގެ ކޯލް ސެންޓަރުގެ ނަންބަރު 1475އަށް ގުޅުއްވާ!
— Economy & Trade (@MoEDmv) April 25, 2020
ކޮވިޑް-19="" އާއި="" ގުޅިގެން="" ވަޒީފާގެ="" ހާލަތަށް="" ބަދަލު="" އައިސްފައިވާ="" ފަރާތްތަކުން="" ޖޮބް="" ސެންޓަރ="" (https:="" t.co="" tcntwj5hjx<="" a>)="" ގައި="" ރިޕޯޓް="" ކުރުމަށް="" އެހީތެރިކަން="" ބޭނުންފުޅުވާނަމަ="" ސެންޓަރުގެ="" ކޯލް="" ނަންބަރު="" 1475އަށް="" ގުޅުއްވާ!<="" p>—="" economy="" &="" trade="" (@moedmv)="" april="" 25,="" 2020<="" a><="" blockquote>=""
Due to the employment issues from Covid19, the portal now enables foreign employees and locals to report these effects. Employees are required to fill a form that includes the changes occurred to the employment and details of the employee including bank account.
Job seekers can log in with E Faas, the common password used by individuals to transact with various e-Government services online. Any Maldivian with a valid National ID Card, and selected Work Permit holders can use eFaas to login. If you dont have an eFaas account, you can register by clicking the ‘log in’ button.