On 22nd April 2020, Minister Yumna Maumoon took part in UNESCO‘s first virtual meeting of Ministers of Culture along with Ministers of Culture from more than 130 countries and discussed the impact of COVID19 pandemic on arts, culture and heritage sector.
‘Building on the Forum of Ministers of Culture UNESCO hosted on 19 November 2019, the meeting will help Ministers exchange information and views on the impact of the health crisis on the cultural sector in their countries and identify remedial policy measures appropriate to their various national contexts.’
UNESCO had carried out several activities to support culture and heritage during the pandemic. Apart from a global social media campaign #ShareOurHeritage, UNESCO had also launched an online exhibition of dozens of heritage properties across the globe with technical support from Google Arts & Culture and also provides up-to-date information through an online map on its website and through social media on the impact of, and responses to, COVID-19 on World Heritage sites.
On World Art Day 2020, UNESCO, in partnership with electronic music pioneer, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and CISAC President Jean Michel Jarre, hosted an online debate and social media campaign, the ResiliArt Debate, bringing together artists and key industry actors to sound the alarm on the impact of COVID-19 on the livelihoods of artists and cultural professionals. “Culture makes us resilient. It gives us hope. It reminds us that we are not alone,” said Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant UNESCO Director-General for Culture.