Reethi Beach Resort has partnered with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Program (MWSRP) for the second year in a row, together with the support extended by its parent company SC Capital Partners Pte Ltd. During the first phase of this promising collaboration, MWSRP will undertake an extensive research project in Baa, aimed at studying the behaviour and habitat of Whale Shark populations in Baa atoll. Additionally, they will also be engaging key stakeholders in educational initiatives as part of the collaborative efforts.
Kicking off the exciting venture, Reethi Beach Resort will closely work with MWSRP representatives to conduct comprehensive surveys in Baa Atoll, in an effort to increase the understanding of the population and movement patterns of resident Whale Shark populations. The crucial data collected will assist in providing greater insights into conservation efforts which will ultimately help to protect these gentle giants of the oceans.
Another key component of the program is to increase community engagement and raise awareness among local communities, with a particular emphasis given to school children. Aligning with this motive, Reethi Beach Resort will collaborate with MWSRP to organize several interactive workshops, presentations and educational activities, designed to involve and educate local communities about whale sharks and their significance in the marine ecosystem.
The scope of this partnership also extends to visitors at Reethi Beach Resort, where they will have the opportunity to participate in guided excursions led by MSWSRP with the support of Ocean Fanatics to survey and study whale sharks. Through this, guests will be able to first-hand contribute to ongoing research and play their part in the conservation of these magnificent species. Moreover, they will also have the rare opportunity to observe these creatures in their natural habitat, all the while gaining a deeper understanding of their behaviour and integral position in the marine environment.
Denise Schmidt, General Manager of Reethi Beach Resort remarked, “Reethi Beach Resort is dedicated to sustainable tourism practices and the conservation of marine life. Our collaboration with MWSRP aligns perfectly with our commitment to environmental stewardship and will offer our guests a unique and enriching experience.”
This collaboration also extends its reach beyond the Maldivian archipelago with Reethi Beach Resort and SC Capital supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Agenda 30. With such important work done, MWSRP and the Reethi Beach Resort invite all visitors, communities and stakeholders to partake in this cause and protect Whale Sharks, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Baa Atoll’s thriving marine ecosystem.