The “Powerful Marketing” workshop came to a close after a gruelling 5 days of immensely informative demonstrations and training seminars held for marketers from Maldives Marketing and PR Corporation in collaboration with stakeholders of the industry from 22nd to the 27th of August, hosted at Maagiri Hotel. The workshop was conducted in close collaboration with facilitator, Turan Ali from Bona Broadcasting.
A true highlight of this workshop was the spotlight that was put on the importance of developing Human Resources in the field of tourism marketing. Speaking at the closing ceremony; The Secretary General of Maldives Association of Tourism Industry, Ahmed Nazeer shared his respects to MMPRC for the value that training and education holds for them.
He shared his thoughts on the current state of talent in the industry as well as a vision for what it could be, “Maldives is not just competing with similar destinations but the entire world, our marketing efforts need to be bold, innovative, and highly original. To achieve this, it is highly important that we invest in our most valuable assets, which is our human capital”.
Also in attendance was the Managing Director of Visit Maldives, Thoyyib Mohamed who expressed his hopes that the participants would utilize the Masters level theories on Powerful Marketing Techniques and content creation taught by one of the best trainers in the field.
Turan Ali, facilitator and trainer at the event congratulates Visit Maldives for the remarkably exceptional team that was put together. The workshop that spanned across 5 days had proved to be consistent and efficient.
“It is not often I work with a group, where so consistently, across the whole group, these sophisticated theories are understood and used so quickly at such a level.” Turan noted.
The purpose of the workshop was to further develop and elevate writing and persuasion techniques of marketers, in order to create effective content which persuades people to choose Maldives as their destination of choice. The workshop introduced participants to principles and techniques of putting creative, persuasive stories and symbols at the heart if marketing. The workshop’s approach placed story, subtext and persuasion as the heart of POWERFUL MARKETING.