During this Covid-19 epidemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends cleaning all “high-touch” surfaces daily, including phones, keyboards and tablet computers as the virus can live for 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel.
This doesn’t mean you put your smartphone in water to clean it. To make sure you don’t damage your phone, avoid getting moisture inside it or scratching the surface. Don’t spray cleaners directly on the phone, don’t dunk it in cleaning solutions, don’t spray it with compressed-air devices used to clean keyboards and avoid rubbing it with harsh materials.
Google is asking you to use soft cloths to clean the phone with water and soap, like the cloths used to clean your glasses. Apple says to gently wipe your phone with use Clorox wipes or wipes with 70 percent alcohol. Spray paper towels with disinfectants and that can work too.