In the beginning of 2020, Secret Paradise Maldives launched their initiative, ‘Work Experience Program for Maldivian Students’. Aimed at students between the age of 14 to 18 from all islands in the Maldives to experience different aspects of local tourism with fun and interactive activities.
The unfortunate onset of the pandemic cut the program short last year itself, but Secret Paradise Maldives has announced the good news that they will be resuming the initiative in 2022. Applications are now open to all Maldivian students who are interesting in pursuing their interest in the tourism and hospitality industry.
The two-week program intends to hone skills of the participants from interviewing skills to taking up different tasks in the field. Interested candidates can send in their CV following which a short online interview will be arranged. Those who succeed will be invited to join the program.
Having participated in the program in 2020, Ahmed Amaan Shiyam shares his thoughts on the experience and says, “I enjoyed working with the Secret Paradise team and learnt a great deal about handling and communicating with guests, colleagues and business associates/suppliers. The experience opened up opportunities for me within the tourism industry.”
Co-Founder of Secret Paradise, Ruth Franklin believes that people are the core of the business. “We felt opportunities for students to get involved and understand local tourism was not readily available. Tourism in general has seen an increase in demand for experiential travel opportunities.” she stated.
“Meeting and travelling with local people and discovering countries through their eyes, allows guests to connect with any destination in a unique way. We believe that no one should know the Maldives better than a Maldivian and hence why with the exception of myself, the Secret Paradise Tours team is 100% local, something I am very proud of. As a growing business the program also provides an excellent opportunity for us to identify potential talent and future guides.”
Eager to join? Send in your applications to sales@secretparadise.mv