The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has opened its 2020 PATA Gold Awards for submissions. This year, PATA is introducing several new categories in order to reinforce its position as innovative and prestigious award for the Pacific Asia travel and tourism industry
PATA member, chapter member and non-member organisations are welcome to submit entries. Travel Video – TV, Travel Photograph – TP, Destination Article – DA, and Business Article – BA categories are open to all published writers and photographers.
The Pacific Asia Travel Association Gold Awards recognizes exceptional achievement in a variety of endeavours, acknowledging and rewarding the very best that the Asia Pacific’s travel industry has to offer. Since its inception in 1984, the PATA Grand and Gold Awards winning projects set industry standards for excellence and innovation, serving as examples for others to follow.
All entries must be received by PATA headquarters in Bangkok on or before May 14, 2020. Award recipients will be notified by July 16, 2020 in order that a representative may then arrange to receive the award at the PATA Gold Awards Dinner and Presentation on September 4 during PATA Travel Mart 2020 in Leshan, Sichuan, China.
To register online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pata-gold-awards-2020-registration-92855279641
More info: https://www.pata.org/wp-content/uploads/Brochure-GoldAwards2020-4Mar.pdf