After three super moon treats, get ready for another one- but this time it’s the biggest one of the year! The Full Pink Moon takes over the sky on 7th April and it’s the biggest of the 13 super moons of 2020.
This full moon is called a pink moon, sadly not because of the color, but because this full moon sometimes corresponded with the early blooms of a pink moss called Phlox. However, the moon can sometimes appear yellow, orange or even red depending on atmospheric conditions right as it first peers above the horizon. It is also sometimes called the Egg moon, the Paschal moon or the Grass moon.
Even if you miss it tonight, catch it on the next night, although it will appear ever-so-slightly out of roundness compared to Tuesday. The next super moon this year is on 7th of May and it’s called the Flower Moon, Full Corn Planting Moon, or the Milk Moon.