Recently, there was a fun party at Zoo Atlanta to celebrate their gorilla Anaka’s 6th birthday. As employees shared the pictures with the public, their eyes caught something incredible.
The gorilla has a unique patch of pigment on her hand which makes it look extremely human-like. Interestingly, like humans, gorillas also have individualized fingerprints and toeprints, which sometimes may be used for identification purposes.
According to the zoo, not only is Anaka’s skin unique, but her personality is as well. “She’s often barking at her mom and others to get a prime spot for food and juice,” they wrote on their website. “She is often seen riding piggyback on her brother and sisters.”
Some people were thinking Anaka has vitiligo, a long-term skin condition characterized by patches of the skin losing their pigment. The zoo replies ‘Well, her skin pigment has always been like that and hasn’t changed over the years, so we think it’s just a cool birthmark.'’