The Maldivian government has been strategizing on ways to achieve Economy of Scale in the tourism industry in the Maldives. The single unexplored venture has been decentralizing the development of resorts in atolls beside the capital region, with the enhancement of the infrastructure network throughout the country.
Atolls far north and south in the Maldives rarely explored by tourists, and now there are ample opportunities for investors to venture into this segment. The Ministry of Tourism has added a collection of islands in Shaviyani Atoll, named Dhiguveligandu to the list of islands up for tender via open bidding for Lease, Development, Operation and Management of Tourist Resorts.
Dhiguveligandu is a stretch of three islands connected on the sandbank consisting of Dhigurah (5.1 Ha), Medhurah (6.7 Ha) and Mairah (7.7 Ha). The island is available for reclamation with a proposal of minimum 300 beds for the establishment. Least Acquisition cost has been set at USD 1.2 million for this allocation.
Further information on the bid can be obtained by emailing the ministry at planning@tourism.gov.mv.
On the cover: Dhiguveligandu