BVISM, The Blind and Visually Impaired Society of Maldives has been advocating the rights of and fostering inclusivity for the blind and visually impaired community in the Maldives since 2010. Since the opening, the society has completed many activities and programs that has increased the public awareness bringing major and positive affirmations.
Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA) has always shown their support to such societies and even had sponsored ‘Annual Camp for 2021’ this year. The Aircraft Familiarization Event took place on November 5th where members and NGO volunteers got to experience the aircraft's operations inside and out.
During the FAM trip, members were given verbal information about the flying process and were given safety briefings which included know-how of seat belts, life jackets, seating layouts, emergency exits etc. The participants then got on to a seaplane and had the experience of seating in the pilot’s cabin and were taken through some of the controls and instruments.
Such events give the visually impaired an experience of a lifetime which needs to be more frequent and more involved in community activities.