On Monday, Turkish Airlines launched its CO2Mission Platform which aims to offset Carbon Emissions released by air travel. The CO2Mission Platform helps to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions that would be released during flights to different destinations and offers customers the chance to offset their carbon footprint by contributing to emission reduction projects.
As the airline that travels to the most number of destinations in the world, Turkish Airlines believes that they have a responsibility towards the environment and its sustainability. Therefore, the platform hopes to give back to the environment through supporting different green projects that are combating climate change and providing social benefits.
On the platform, calculate the CO2 emissions for your next destination and choose from a range of packages to do your part to reduce the emissions by contributing. You can also opt to offset the carbon footprint of your friends and loved ones by contributing for them as well, paving for carbon-neutral flights.
Through your contributions, earn the carbon offset certificate and share it with others to encourage and create awareness towards a sustainable world. Turkish airlines have undertaken many other efforts to fly responsibly. This includes reducing carbon emissions by 116,809 tons by implementing fuel saving practices in 2021. Moreover, the airline uses a fleet of 368 aircrafts that are young and efficient as well as deploying more than 100 operation optimization projects since 2008.