The trend of going green has more meaning than just glamming up social media with fancy hashtags and attractive pictures. At Mövenpick Resorts Kuredhivaru, the commitment to focusing on implementing conscious actions that will in turn sustain the healthy environment is part of the resort’s ethos, in line with the brand’s greater efforts to establish a common and global approach to environmental, employer and social sustainability.
Here's a look at 4 of the eco-conscious initiatives being implemented at the resort which have not only reduced waste, but made it much easier to reduce and monitor the carbon footprint and its impact on the environment and communities.
Did you know that there is a proper way to discard your garbage? At Kuredhivaru, dry and wet waste is segregated and disposed of separately. Throughout the resort, a Reduce-Reuse-Recycle policy is advocated among guests and employees alike. Moreover, the resort has an incinerator, bottle crusher and compacting machine that compresses the waste for easier transportation.
Water is one of the easiest elements to waste. Combined with its plastic packaging, the negative impacts double and last much longer in the environment as a negative contributor. Kuredhivaru has taken the thoughtful steps of setting up its own water-bottling plant that has replaced all the plastic bottles and need for straws on the island. Surrounded by the ocean, the sea water is desalinated inhouse to be used in the villas and the staff area. Simultaneously, the excess steam from the plants is used to heat the running water throughout the island.
Nearly 70 kilos of the freshest herbs used in plating mouthwatering dishes to guests come from the Mövenpick Herbs Garden on the island. What started as an initiation to become self-sufficient and have a continuous, sustainable resourse of basic ingredients has now advanced to the resorts very own hydroponic farm and garden. In addition to herbs, veggies and fruits are also farmed from organic methods by using eco-friendly composts made up of kitchen waste and dry leaves.
Sunny all year round, Kuredhivaru uses the sunshine to power a majority of the resort's electricity. In January 2019, 900 solar panels were installed on the roofs at the back-of-the-house buildings, which are capable of generating 450KW electricity. This averages to up to 40% of the daily electricity usage on the island. Since installation, the operation has saved 158,000L of diesel spendings for the resort.
In addition to these, Mövenpick Resorts Kuredhivaru invests in a number of other green initiatives that involve educating guests and contributing to the benefit of the local communities on the neighboring islands.