Apple kick starts 2020 with an all-new Night mode photo challenge.
Users are invited to share their impressive Night mode images captured with iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max. The best 5 will be celebrated in a gallery on Apple Newsroom, apple.com, Apple Instagram and might even appear on billboards and campaigns.
Submissions can be shared on Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtags "#ShotoniPhone" and "#NightmodeChallenge," or on Weibo. For higher quality, you can even email photos. Photographers should include which iPhone they used to take the photo in the caption.
• Night mode automatically comes on in low-light environments. If the yellow Night mode icon is showing, you’re shooting with Night mode.
• Night mode determines capture time based on the scene, and displays this time in the Night mode icon. You can tap on the Night mode icon and adjust the slider to Max to extend the capture time.
• Try propping up your iPhone or using a tripod for a longer capture time at the darkest time of night.
The photos must be submitted before 29th of January and panel of select judges will evaluate submissions to reveal five winning photos on 4th of March.