Health Protection Agency’s COVID-19 Surveillance Updates till 21:30hrs, 03 May revealed that there were 6 new cases, making the total number of confirmed cases 527. 181 patients are locals and 346 are foreigners. There has been 18 recoveries, 1 death, 1547 are in quarantine and 452 are in isolation.
A large majority of the cases confirmed in the Maldives are of Bangladeshi nationals. President Ibu Solih’s message on the country in pandemic this evening stated that 1500 Bangladeshis will be sent within this week after communicating with the Government of Bangladesh. Further, places are being constructed in Gulhifaru, Hulhumale and Villivaru for expat accommodation to avoid congestion in the future and provide better living for expats.
The President says that the upcoming two weeks are extremely important for the country. “Experts forecast that in the following two weeks, the state of the disease in Male` will worsen. Hence, in the following two weeks, all decisions and steps taken should be thoughtful. Depending on the work done on these days, there is high hope for recovery.”
Regarding the latest recovery in the country, Chief of Defense Force MG Abdulla Shamaal tweeted saying “We are honored to welcome back our fellow soldier WO1 Muammar Mohamed, the first Maldivian who tested positive for COVID-19. He has recovered & promptly joined the forces to serve the nation. We applaud his dedication.” The recovered patient sent his gratitude to the Minister of Defense, Chief of Defense Force and the leadership of MNDF for the impeccable leadership and extensive support. He also thanked the team of doctors and nurses and everyone at Velidhoo Isolation Faciltiy who took care of him.
On 4th April, the Clinical Practice Guideline for the management of COVID-19 by Maldives Monetary authority was launched by Minister of Health. This guideline is based on the latest available evidence and best practices, adapted to the Maldivian context with available resources.