On 12th April, Health Protection Agency (HPA) revealed that a fifth Maldivian has been tested positive for COVID-19. The individual was placed in mandatory quarantine in the facility located at Eriyadhoo after returning from the Philippines and has now been transferred to Velidhoo Isolation Facility.
The previously reported four Maldivian cases all involved citizens that previously tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from the United Kingdom (UK). So, a total 5 Maldivians have been tested positive for coronavirus. However, no local to local transmissions have been recorded till date.
As of 13th April, total positive coronavirus cases reported in Maldives is 20, out of which 14 have been recovered including a Maldivian. Having no deaths, no local to local transmissions and a successful rate of recoveries indicate that Maldivians remain out of serious danger and is successful in managing the pandemic.