Coming this Spring, Lily Beach Resort & Spa will have some exciting Easter activities for its guests to enjoy. The Easter program is a mixture of Active, Entertaining, and Educational (A.E.E.) activities, pronounced like "Eh-eii". It will take place over four joyous days, from the 15th of April until the 18th of April 2022, with the most important guest, “The Easter Bunny”, will also be joining in on the fun at the resort.
The team at Lily Beach firmly believes that a holiday should have just the right balance between dynamic and leisure moments. After indulging in the best buffet experience with a tantalizing and generous selection of food for every meal, it is very important for guests to eggs-ercise and burn off some energy with active fun. Highlights of the Active program are the Football Freestyle Camp by Guinness World Record Holder and Football Freestyler Extraordinaire – Marcel Gurk. This is accompanied by a water-sports festival (pedal boat, kayaking, and catamaran), volleyball match, and most importantly the Easter egg hunt– where kids of all ages scour the island to find eggs hidden everywhere in the resort and collect them. Once the event is over, it’s time to enjoy those scrumptious Easter eggs.
There are some really eggs-citing and entertaining activities waiting for guests during this Easter period. At the end of the day, kids want to be at a place where it’s fun, and Lily Beach promises to deliver just that. Some entertaining events include the Easter coloring challenge, Easter egg painting, & basket decoration. Most importantly, the Football Freestyle Camp starts with a demonstration by Marcel on the 15th of April. Don’t forget to mark it on your calendars!
All fun and no learning makes Jack and Jill dull kids. So, the team has also snuck some enjoyable educational opportunities into the Easter program. Parents can rest easy knowing that their children are experiencing the joys of Flearning – learning while simultaneously having so much fun during their stay. For tactile learners, there are a few hands-on activities such as photo frame-making and muffin decorating waiting to be discovered.
The Football Freestyle Camp this Easter will be a great activity for boys and girls of all ages to enjoy at the resort and have some quality good time. At the end of the 7-day camp, guests will get an opportunity to showcase tricks that they have learned during their stay. We’ve heard that the Easter Bunny himself will also show off some moves.
So, all are welcome, young and old, to Lily Beach Resort & Spa for an Easter Adventure filled with A.E.E. experiences. You do not want to miss this, as adults AND kids need a break after being super busy and stressed out there.