Fathers in every form are our pillars to getting through some of the hardest challenges in life. Their kind advice, invaluable wisdom and support helps path our ways forward step by step and without a father figure, we somehow miss getting the most of life. This is why on Father’s Day, the magical island of Veligandu Island Resort in the Maldives is throwing a party in celebration of everything our fathers do for us.
On June 20, guests on the island can join in for the interesting lineup of a range of activities set up to highlight the many kind gestures our fathers do so effortlessly and appreciate their being in our lives. The resort will also be hosting an in-house dinner for every special dad in the resort team to say three cheers for proving to be superheroes – both as fathers and employees.
If you are looking for a special Father's Day gift for your hero, Veligandu offers one of the best value for the buck All-Inclusive Plus package that combines the best of everything available on the island. It comes with an excellent meal plan and some blood-rushing watersports. Additionally, it will also give dad some time-off from all the responsibilities and just indulge in the beauty and serenity of Maldives.